Size up the storm before it strikes.
Understand outages before they happen. OutageRisk provides customized outage risk prediction
for snow, ice, and wind storms.
OutageRisk™ Features
Ice, wet snow and wind storms are a major threat to a reliable electric grid. Northview Weather’s SkyRisk technology drives industry-leading outage risk predictions—allowing utilities to plan for storm damage with greater certainty.
Ice Prediction
OutageRisk uses the latest science on ice forecasting to predict hazards from freezing rain icing up to 5 days prior to ice storms. Results from the 2017-18 winter showed a 20% improvement over industry standards. OutageRisk is optimized for ice loading prediction on overhead distribution and transmission lines and trees near right of ways.
Wet Snow Prediction
Northview has developed a better way to detect wet snow. OutageRisk is able to identify the magnitude of wet snow loading during a storm cycle, helping to better assess wet snow risks as related to electric distribution outages.
Wind Prediction
Wind storms are the most significant hazard to the electric distribution grid. OutageRisk uses the latest science to improve wind speed prediction through customized weather forecast modeling systems. Unique analytics are available to better understand asset-relative risk posed by the wind magnitude, direction and duration.
You can choose varying levels of outage risk prediction capabilities, including asset-based risk exposures or highly trained outage prediction systems optimized using high-resolution weather forecast modeling systems.

Asset-based risk
Critical to outage prediction is relating weather-caused outages to asset information. Asset information as service territories and overhead lines architecture are needed along with historical outage data to develop rigorous analytics that are used to develop outage risk assessments.
You can choose varying levels of outage modeling customization for wet snow, ice, and/or wind. Asset information that includes overhead lines and service territory regions is required for setting up outage prediction capabilities.
Weather dominates power outages
Northview has developed an outage prediction system for wet snow and ice storms. Through work with our industry partners, we demonstrated an accuracy of 70% for high-stakes crew resource pre-storm decision making two days prior to wet snow and ice storms.
Getting Started with OutageRisk™
OutageRisk is provided on a software-as-a-service (SaaS) subscription basis with varying levels of customization. Subscription includes access to the OutageRisk platform that provides customized weather insights for snow, ice, and/or wind storms. Customization includes several choices of weather forecast models with risk analytics derived from asset information. Predictive analytics are developed during a setup and validation period, with pricing based on the degree of customization and overall scope.